
Super Design Market - And Ola Särén Design is there!

We're so excited to be at the à la London super design market in February! It will be a gigantic market of 1300 m2 at Östra hamngatan 23 in Brunnsparken.

In addition to my presence at HEXA, CIRKA; SQUARE, bowls, cutting boards and another novelty (!), you will also find ceramics, jewellery, paintings and art as well as blankets and textiles. I'm looking forward to it and hope to see you there! 

I hope to see you there!

P.S Admission is free! 

Would you like to photograph my product SQUARE?

Knife list

We need your help!

Do you like the new SQUARE Knivlist?
Are you a good photographer?
Maybe you have a kitchen where it would be perfect? 

We need stylish environmental images with this knife strip made from a combination of wood and recycled leather. 

Send an email to info@olasaren.com and describe who you are and what style you have on your pictures. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

HEXA in Studio Kitchen

We were asked to include HEXA in a studio kitchen at Infinity Studio in Stockholm. Of course we accepted and look at the amazing material we got on our products! 

I never get tired of seeing how creative you can be with my products. It's amazing to experience! 

Ola Särén in GP

I had the honor of being interviewed for an article in GP entitled "Found my way back to health with carpentry on pure desire". As the article describes, carpentry became my salvation from exhaustion. 

It's funny how life works out sometimes, and sometimes I wonder if it's possible to escape "one's destiny" for ever! Carpentry was a strong interest both in my teens and early 20s, but it was not something I chose as a profession. Instead, it was there in the back of my mind, tugging at me until I finally couldn't ignore it any longer. Every part of my body longed for the smell of freshly planed oak and splinters in my fingers. Youtube went hot after the family fell asleep and I dove deeper and deeper into the art of carpentry. However, that activity was completely free of splinters but for that very reason a little frustrating and soulless. Carpentry is sort of something you do. But how would it be possible to build a carpentry workshop? A carpentry workshop is expensive, at least if you want to make furniture and fine carpentry. It also needs to be quite big. 

On 25 m2

With the help of my family, especially my father and my wife, I built an attic house on the plot. That's where I started! At 25m2. Ideas have been flowing and although the space put limits on what I could do, it also required me to be resourceful and creative. I looked at problems in my own everyday life and from there it has grown. 

Now I have a much bigger room but my house is still there on the plot. It reminds me of what can become a reality if you just want to and believe it can be done. 

And at the same time I got a call from my dad's cousin asking if I wanted an old carpenter's bench just as I was about to start... well, you have to wonder if it was in the blood and just waiting to be activated. I was named after my grandfather's grandfather, I knew that much from before. What I didn't know was that this great-grandfather Ola was also a cabinetmaker and that his homemade carpenter's bench was ready to find its way home to me. 

I'm at the cooker this weekend!

Christmas is at the door and after a year of pandemic, are we all perhaps all a little extra eager for Christmas mess, socializing and movement?! At least that's about me. This year I feel a little extra.  This Saturday, December 4th, I am exhibiting at Johnson's farm just south of Varberg. You can find me at the cookery. 

Spiseriet is one of the better restaurants I know and I don't write this just because I'm friends with one of the co-owners. That he was a fin of food and drink I have fortunately experienced even before the time of the stove when Peter with stars in his eyes touched things together in his own kitchen.

Good, high quality food is such an important part of life. There is so much focus today on "lasting a long time" and we probably all want to do that but none of us can guarantee that. What we can guarantee, or at least influence, is how we approach life today! For that to happen, I need a brain that works and a body that does what I challenge it to do. No one wants brain fog and lack of desire.

I eat not only for pleasure, but also to take care of myself. At the stove, I get both!  I am both amazed and happy at how much good you can do with what we have around us all the time. There is a focus on organic and locally produced, which makes it even more exciting for the taste buds. They are also recommended by the Star Wine List. I'm not so proud to call sommelier and restaurant manager Peter Halldén a friend! 

Hope to see you at Johnson's farm this weekend where you can of course shop HEXA and CIRKA at great prices =) 

Christmas event in the carpentry on the first advent!

A first advent with crafts where you can shop my products, HEXA and CIRKA as well as some new, unique stuff. 

My passion lies in details, in craftsmanship, in the living and changing materials that wood is and that each thing fulfils a function. I would rather buy fewer things of quality that I can enjoy properly. 

On the first of Advent, I invite you to my woodworking shop for coffee, mulled wine and to shop for my products - HEXA and CIRKA as well as a couple of unique products. Take the opportunity to squeeze, feel and assemble your own package! Or why not give it away as a Christmas present?

CIRKA in smoked oak
HEXA in ash, walnut and oak
CIRKA in riviera and fjord
HEXA in white oak
CIRKA in walnut
HEXA in walnut, ash and oak
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You can also have a coffee, mulled wine and mingle a little!

When: November 28th, 11am-2pm
Where: Magasinsgatan 4, Kungsbacka

Bon centuri knives and CIRKA knife holder

CIRKA kitchen storage knives

We collaborated with the exclusive knife-wielding Bon Centuri where we lent our CIRKA knife holder. Below you can see pictures of how CIRKA became in their kitchen – surely it became a nice kitchen interior?! 

Bon Centuri is a French brand that specializes in making really good knives in really nice design. They have done well as you can see! They come in several colors and we like extra mirage marine where they mixed dark blue and gold. We also have this ourselves at home in our kitchen hanging on walnut and turmeric. 

Another nice one is granite black which you can see below hanging on CIRKA knife holder in smoked oak. Oak comes strong again and the smoked oak fits nicely with many colors on kitchen doors, especially those that go in green tones.

We like to match kitchen décor via vein on wood and there walnut and ash are very similar to each other. Oak is found in various treatments such as the white-stained one, which goes more to a gray tone. The dark, smoked oak we smoke in old-fashioned way and by hand, therefore each batch becomes unique. 

The pictures below are photographed in kitchens from birch and woods. 

We developed CIRKA to offer, as with HEXA knife holders, an alternative that is easily mounted on the wall without screws. Instead, we use double-sided tape, which means that anyone can put them up at home. You can also puzzle just as you want as there are no "lines" to match, more than the grain of the wood if you want. The pictures show them in solid wood, but CIRKA is also available in walnut and colors such as turmeric, riviera, fjord, sand and bordeaux.